Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Letters From the White Terror


Letters From the White Terror

February 4, 2016

A letter by Liu Yao-ting, written from prison during the White Terror. Mr. Liu was executed in 1954.
A letter by Liu Yao-ting, written from prison during the White Terror. Mr. Liu was executed in 1954. Billy H.C. Kwok for The New York Times
The following are excerpts of recently discovered letters written by prisoners of Taiwan’s political repression known as the White Terror. The prisoners were allowed to write letters to their families before they were executed.

Guo Ching
Executed in 1952
“A person has to die one day, please don’t be too heartbroken!”
To his wife.

Chiu Hsing-sheng
Executed in 1952
“It’s my last night and still I feel the same happiness I felt as a child. Why do I feel this way, such joy, just before my death, I don’t know. I always said I wouldn’t feel any dread before my death, and in fact it feels like I have finished my life’s burden and can relax. My outlook is resolute! I don’t feel any loss of hope. I am at ease with nature, and so feel only happiness about my death. So grandma, I wish you wouldn’t feel any pain on my account.”
To his grandmother.

Huang Wen-gong
Executed in 1953
“Before long I will leave this earth. I am trying to stay calm, to talk with you for the first and last time on this paper. I fear you can’t imagine what it’s like, alas. To face this moment and be unable to see you once, to hug you once, to kiss you once … I am heartbroken. My regret is unending.”
To his unborn daughter.

Uongu Yatauyongana
Executed in 1954
“Chun-fang whom I long for. How glad I am to know you are healthy and well. ‘No amount of gold, silver or gems are more precious than our darling children.’ Do you remember the song? As long as we have our homes and our land we will be fine, because there are so many amazing children. No matter if our possessions are confiscated, my innocence will be revealed….
In the fields and in the mountains, my spirit will always be.
Don’t give up the land!”
To his wife.

Liu Yao-ting
Executed in 1954
“My Yue-xia, you must listen to what I have to say. Even though we are apart, our hearts are connected. I deeply hope you can conquer all hardships, be brave, and not be heartbroken and lose health because of me.
Yue-xia, I’m sorry. It should be me who is looking after you and the children. This is also what I hope the most for the future. But at this moment I am incapable of doing this. Yue-xia, I hope deeply that you can forgive me.”
To his wife.

Cheng Jin-he
Executed in 1970
“On this earth you will never see your father again. This is the saddest thing. No one can avoid the pain of parting forever, but in this sorrow we must control our tears, we must swallow the bitterness and spit it out with laughter….
No matter whether it brings you joy or distress, you must not forget your mother and father. Now you have an even more important responsibility on your shoulders. In order to love your father you must improve yourself, only then can you comfort your father’s spirit. No matter what you do, you must engage in self-reflection often. This is what your father would have wanted.”
To his son.

Chan Tien-tseng
Executed in 1970
“Your son believes that people who die have a spirit. Your son is determined to come to your side every day to keep in touch. To see your peaceful eyes, to make sure you eat three meals a day. To comfort you when you are in pain or suffer. To wish you happiness every day.”
To his mother.

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